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10kv motor winding insulation 

10kv motor winding insulation

My company 10 kv motor VPI forming coil use of mica tape

Publish Date 2021-12-12
My company 10 kv motor VPI forming coil use of mica tape. Motor fault about 50% with insulation directly or indirectly relationship. Insulation structure reasonable or not on the quality of the motor, the effective material - copper wire, the utilization rate of silicon steel sheet, until the motor life and performance operation play a crucial role.
A motor insulation structure:
The whole motor insulation by several components:
Wire itself bring insulation;
Winding layer, alternate with insulation;
Winding on insulation;
Lead, connecting cables, end hoop bind insulation and winding impregnating varnish.
The insulation distribution in coil or winding share rooms, interturn, platoon rooms, alternate with, is located in, as well as the conductor (such as connecting line), end ring wrapping, they and impregnated

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